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linux命令 Linux的命令及全稱


apt = Advanced Packaging Toolar = archiveras = assemblerawk = "Aho Weiberger and Kernighan" 三個(gè)作者的姓的第一個(gè)字母bash = Bourne Again SHellbc = Basic (Better) Calculatorbg = BackGroundbin = BINaries(binary)cal = CALendar calendarcat = CATenate cd = Change Directorychgrp = CHange GRouPchmod = CHange MODechown = CHange OWNerchsh = CHange SHellcmp = comparecobra = Common Object Request Broker Architecturecomm = commoncp = CoPycpio = CoPy In and Outcpp = C Pre Processorcron = Chronos 希臘文時(shí)間cups = Common Unix Printing Systemcvs = Current Version Systemdaemon = Disk And Execution MONitordc = Desk Calculatordd = Disk Dumpdf = Disk Freediff = DIFFerencedmesg = diagnostic messagedu = Disk Usageed = editoregrep = Extended GREPelf = Extensible Linking Formatelm = ELectronic Mailemacs = Editor MACroSeval = EVALuateex = EXtendedexec = EXECute/dev = devicesfd = file descriptorsfg = ForeGroundfgrep = Fixed GREPFish = the Friendly Interactive SHellfmt = formatfsck = File System ChecKfstab = FileSystem TABleFIFO = First In, First Outgawk = GNU AWKgpg = GNU Privacy Guardgroff = GNU troffGRUB = GRand Unified Bootloaderhal = Hardware Abstraction LayerIFS = Internal Field Seperatorsjoe = Joe's Own Editorksh = Korn SHelllame = Lame Ain't an MP3 Encoderlex = LEXical analyserlisp = LISt Processing = Lots of Irritating Superfluous Parenthesesln = LiNklpr = Line PRintls = listlsof = LiSt Open FilesLILO = LInux LOaderm4 = Macro processor Version 4man = MANual pagesmawk = Mike Brennan's AWKmc = Midnight CommanderMIME = Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensionsmkfs = MaKe FileSystemmknod = MaKe NODemotd = Message of The Daymozilla = MOsaic GodZILLamtab = Mount TABlemv = MoVenano = Nano's ANOther editornawk = New AWKnl = Number of Linesnm = namesnohup = No HangUPnroff = New ROFFod = Octal Dumppasswd = PASSWorDpg = pagerpico = PIne's message COmposition editorpine = "Program for Internet News &; Email" = "Pine is not Elm"ping = Packet InterNet Groperpirntcap = PRINTer CAPabilitypopd = POP Directorypr = preprintf = PRINT Formattedps = Processes Statuspty = pseudo ttypushd = PUSH Directorypwd = Print Working Directoryrc = runcom = run command, rc還是plan9的shellrev = REVerserm = ReMovern = Read Newsroff = RunOFFrpm = RPM Package Manager = RedHat Package Managerrsh, rlogin, rvim中的r = Remoterxvt = ouR XVTsed = Stream EDitorseq = SEQuenceshar = SHell ARchiveslrn = S-Lang rnssh = Secure SHellssl = Secure Sockets Layerstty = Set TTYsu = Substitute User 或 Switch User(前者較常見(jiàn))sudo = superuser / substitue user dosvn = SubVersioNtar = Tape ARchivetcsh = TENEX C shelltee = T (T形水管接口)telnet = TEminaL over Networktermcap = terminal capabilityterminfo = terminal informationtex = 希臘文arttr = traslatetroff = Typesetter new ROFFtsort = Topological SORTtty = TeleTypewritertwm = Tom's Window Managertz = TimeZoneudev = Userspace DEVulimit = User's LIMITumask = User's MASKuniq = UNIQuevi = VIsual = Very Inconvenient vim = Vi IMprovedwall = write allwc = Word Countwine = WINE Is Not an Emulator xargs = eXtended ARGumentsxdm = X Display Managerxlfd = X Logical Font Descriptionxmms = X Multimedia Systemxrdb = X Resources DataBasexwd = X Window Dumpyacc = yet another compiler compilerYaST = Yet Another Setup Tool附部分目錄的全稱:/dev = devices/etc = ETCetera etcetera/lib = LIBrary/proc = PROCesses/sbin = Superuser BINaries/tmp = TeMPorary/usr = Unix Shared Resources/var = VARiable 以上是Linux的命令及全稱的內(nèi)容,更多的內(nèi)容,請(qǐng)您使用搜索功能獲取相關(guān)信息。linux命令





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