Linux -- LINUs' uniX (開個(gè)玩笑不是這樣的,別當(dāng)真)
GNU -- Gnu is Not Unix
/root :同上
/sbin:Super BINaries
or Superuser BINaries
/usr:Unix System Resources
or Unix Software Resources
or Unix Shared Resources(這個(gè)很重要,很多人會(huì)認(rèn)為這個(gè)是user)
ls -- LiSt
cd -- Change Directory
pwd -- Print Working Directory
cp -- CoPy
mv -- MoVe
rm -- ReMove
pushd -- PUSH to Directory
popd -- POP from Directory
mkdir -- MaKe DIRectory
rmdir -- ReMove DIRectory
cat -- CATenate
or conCATenate
sed -- Stream EDitor
diff -- DIFFerence
wc -- Word Count
chmod -- CHange MODe
chown -- CHange OWNer
chgrp -- CHange GRouP
awk -- Aho Weinberger and Kernighan
gawk -- Gnu AWK
mawk -- Minimal AWK
grep -- General Regular Expression Print
ln -- LiNk
tar -- TARball
df -- Disk Free
du -- Disk Usage
dd -- Data Description(有說是Convert and Copy, 但是cc被用掉了,就用dd了)
parted -- PARTition EDitor
fdisk -- Format DISK
lspci -- LiSt Peripheral Component Interconnect
lscpu -- LiSt Central Process Unit
lsusb -- LiSt Universal Serial Bus
lsblk -- LiSt BLocK
mdadm -- Multiple Disk And Device Manager
lvm -- Logical Volume Manager
pvcreate -- Physical Volume CREATE
vgcreate -- Volume Group CREATE
lvcreate -- Logical Volume CREATE
pvdisplay -- Physical Volume DISPLAY
vgdisplay -- Volume Group DISPLAY
lvdisplay -- Logical Volume DISPLAY